There was a time when you couldn't sleep without listening to your mother's lullabies. There was a time when you preferred your mom's company over anyone else's. There was a time when your world circled around her. Let this mother's day be something more than just flowers and gifts for your mother. It is time for you to realize that there is more to your mother than those materialistic offerings that you bestow upon her on every mother's day. Today Mother's Day is considered more of a celebration than a day of reminiscence of one's mother. The best gift any child can give its mother is to spare little time for your mother on Mother's Day. It's always better late than never to remember those beautiful days that you spent with her and say some prayers praising her deeds. Don't be afraid of singing a little prayer in a public gathering and make her all the more proud of being your mother. Given here are some hymns that can be used as a prayer for your mother.
Popular Mother's Day Hymns
Come, Sing Praises To Our Mothers
Come, sing praises to our Mothers
who have tuned our hearts to You.
You share praises with no others -
but these ones whose love is true.
They must hear our truest feelings
if they would know how we're blessed
by unwearied, careful teachings
given without thought of rest.
We rise up our grateful voices
for the patient love of Moms,
who have listened to the noises
of their screaming, childish throngs.
Hear us now cry thanks to God for
giving us the homes we need.
We will never leave your shelter
'til we all find Home indeed.
There we hope to find you, Mother,
at the right hand of our Lord.
How could there be any other
nurturing the Living Word?
Then forever we will worship
as you taught us when so young;
for the Lord alone is worthy
of these praises we have sung.
Far Above Riches - Ken Bible
Far above riches,
Far above honor,
Lasting beauty beyond compare-
She is nobler,
She is more precious.
Treasure this one whose life we share.
Woman of honor,
Priceless companion,
Wife and mother and faithful friend,
Shepherd and servant,
Teacher and helper-
She lives a love that has no end.
Morning and evening,
Summer and winter,
Ever faithful and glad to share;
Touching and lifting,
Tenderly giving-
In her we feel our Father's care.
God of all comfort,
Fountain of blessing,
Ever loving in all You do,
Thank You for giving
Far above riches.
Gladly we lift our praise to You!
A Blessing and Prayer Tribute to All Mothers Susan Kramer
"Blessed be all mothers
Who have come into our lives
Whose kindness, care and loving
Remain with us to guide.
Your inspiration in us
Made us strive in every way
Especially to remember
Helping others makes our day.
Mothers, this little tribute
Flows directly from my heart
You are so loved and cherished
Invaluable, one and all, you are.
Mother's Day Prayer
May the blessing of the Divine
Be an especially bright benediction
Upon mothers everywhere
On your blessed day -
On Mother's Day!
Make this Mother's Day more special and memorable for your adorable mother. Quote these lovely songs on mother's day card or gift that you bought for her. This will touch your mother's heart by listening to these songs sung by you.
There is nothing more than a prayer that you say for your mother on mother's day. Mother's Day hymns are more like prayers praising your mother.