It is not easy being a famous mother. She has to deal with the multi-functionalities of fulfilling her commitments towards her family and kids as well as the society. She balances her personal, professional and social life with utmost ease and competence. History is rife with examples of mothers who have been the epitome of bravery, dedication, and strength. However, let us accept the fact that even they are devoted mothers, kissers of tears, singers of lullabies, and watchdogs of curfews. They have to give more attention when it comes to their children as there is no one else to manage their home and career in a simultaneous fashion. The pressure of having to look after the children, raising them up and protecting them from the exposure that the fame can bring about is a strenuous task.

The thought of Alice Waters brings to our mind the way in which she revolutionised the organic food industry in America. Opening a French bistro Chez Panisse in Berkeley in Calif at the age of 27, she changed the entire concept of the way the Americans ate, cooked and thought

Any discussion or debate on Mother's Day is incomplete without mentioning the person who loved her mother very much - Anna Jarvis. This wonderful day, dedicated to mothers, is the fruit of her love and respect for her own mother.

Popularly identified as humanitarian, African-American abolitionist and Union spy during the American Civil War, Harriet Tubman is a great woman with motherly qualities. Born into slavery, she went through most difficult times and once

Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910 as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje in Macedonia, Ottoman Empire. She was baptized on 27 August. Mother Teresa was the third child of Albanian grocer Nikola Bojaxhiu and his wife Drane.

A prolific painter, Anna Mary Robertson Moses was one of America's best-known primitive painters. Inspired by her childhood memories, she depicted the rural life, portraying homely farm life and countryside through simple realism,

Julia Ward Howe was a famous poet, essayist, lecturer, reformer and biographer. She was a woman who helped to end slavery and initiated the woman's movement in many states too. Julia worked intensely towards international peace.

An abolitionist and suffragist, Lucy stone was anardent advocate of equality and liberation of women.She was the first woman in Massachusetts to receive a college degree. Lucy loathed racialism and gender discrimination right from her

Marie Curie, the well-known physicist and chemist was Polish by birth and French by citizenship. As a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, Marie Curie made extraordinary contribution to science, along with her husband. She was the first and only person till

Often referred to as the 'Mother of Feminism' or the 'First Feminist', Mary Wollstonecraft was British writer and philosopher. She argued that both men and women should be treated as rational beings and suggested a social order which is founded on reason. She wrote novels, treatises,